Athens County Ohio VHF Simplex Net
Suggested Operation Guidelines (SOG)

As of 7-Feb-2025


Recent significant electrical grid and telecommunications outages in Ohio have included derechos in 2012 and 2022, and a crippling ice storm in February 2021. Numerous less severe weather events and utility failures have occurred as well. Amateur Radio is in a unique position to address communication needs related to such events by providing flexible, self-contained backup communications, independent of the power grid, internet, and/or cellular services.

For a number of years, to help address these needs, Athens County Ohio Amateur Radio operators have maintained monthly training and equipment testing in the form of a VHF FM radio network operating on 146.400 mHz (simplex without PL).

The purpose of this document is to provide 'suggested' operational guidance (SOG) for use of this important network resource, with considerable flexibility to adjust to evolving conditions, and changing needs of participating stations, families, neighbors, and served agencies. It strives to be a concise, self-contained "quick reference."

"Simplex Network" Objectives:

Pre-Activation Preparation Suggestions:

Simplex Network Levels of Activation:

(A) Day-to-day Routine Stand Down Operation:

(B) Heightened Awareness "Watch Desk" Operations:

(C) Full, formal Net Activation:

Feedback welcome and encouraged
Last Revised: 7-Feb-2025
