Quick Health and Welfare or Information Message
This template is an off-line version of the Quick Health and Welfare or Information Message that is included in the Winlink Express Standard Templates. This form may be found under General - Quick Welfare Message. There is also a link from the Radiograms and RRI Forms folder.
The off-line form also adds functionality for sending a message to an SMS or MMS text address. As an adjunct to the RRI Welfare Radiogram template, it also contains 14 standardized short text messages that may be selected from a drop down list.
Unlike the Winlink Express version, there is no coupling to the message transmission function. Instead, the user may either save the file to any chosen location or the message may be sent by standard email if the internet is available to the operator.
This off-line version may be used in situations where there are many parties in a given location wishing to send radiograms. This template may be run on any computer with a web browser.
For example, in a shelter where many people may wish to send messages to loved ones, copies of the template may be installed on thumb drives and then be given to the data entry people. They would then create individual messages, saving each one to the thumb drive. The drives can then be given to a radio operator for sending.
When used in a shelter environment an appropriate method for deployment is to install the template files on thumb drives. There are two files that are distributed as a zip file. They are RRI Welfare Message.txt and RRI Welfare_Message.html. Both must be installed in the same location.
To use the template, open the html file and the template will appear in the browser.
If the internet is available, the message may be sent by standard email using the Send to Email button. Otherwise, save the file to the thumb drive. Be sure you have set your browser preferences to ask for the save to location. This will permit you to select the correct drive and also permit you to change the file name from the default.
Form Use and Guide
This is a one way form template to allow simple status of an individual or family to be sent to E-mail address(es). This does not supplant the Red Cross Safe and Well process, it is a simple delivery to email(s) that are outside the affected area.
There is no anticipated reply and the party(s) you are sending for needs to be informed of this. The message is formatted as plain text in the body of the sent email and easy to read by the recipient(s)
Why No Reply?
It will be too distracting to attempt to process replies and then figure how to deliver them. You also may not be the the person sending all the time with your Winlink Base call-sign. Replies would garner the need for responses back, thus the information chain and effort to maintain become difficult and time consuming.
Form Information.
- BE SURE TO INFORM THE PARTY THIS IS ONE WAY WITH NO GUARANTEE OF DELIVERY Why? You are sending to an email address that has to be received and READ by the intended party(s).
- From Name: This needs to be the person's full name that you are sending for. Example: John S. Borman OR John Borman and Cinthia Faux OR The John Borman Family.
- To Email(s): Suggest more than one email to try to ensure several friends or family obtain, separate by a semicolon; You can modify or change prior to posting. Verify with the party prior to posting and sending!
- Add a SMS address: If you know the mobile phone number and the carrier (ATT, Verizon, etc.) you can send a text message to that number. Enter the 10 digit phone number with no spaces or other characters and then select the carrier from the drop down list. Use the MMS listing to assure that the complete message will be received. SMS may either truncate the message or send it as multiple messages. When the information has been added, click the Enter Text Address to To Line button to move the information to the To Email line.
- Incident/Event location or Region/Area Name: be descriptive as to your location, the disaster name, anything that will ensure the recipient(s) know where you are sending from. This entry will be retained for follow-on messages.
- Message: This is a brief message from the person and is limited to 500 characters. This keeps message short and brief. You can select from a list of standard short prepared messages. These messages coincide with the short texts in the RRI Welfare Radiogram.
Example: The family and I are fine at a Red Cross shelter at the Berkins High School in Parkinsville. Will contact again when we can. Please inform all.
- The sent email is in plain text and informs the recipient(s) this is a ONE WAY message and DO NOT REPLY. Again be sure your party knows this and again suggest several emails.
Questions or suggestions concerning the Radiogram templates or their use may be submitted via Winlink to KB1TCE