By virtue of their radio communications expertise, and equipment,
Athens County Ohio Simplex Network stations are encouraged to explore
service to their local neighborhoods via a simple (and inexpensive)
Family Radio Service (FRS) walkie-talkie network. Easy-to-setup
FRS network models are available via the resource links below.
LEVEL 1: Breaking The Silence Barrier:
The first level of service is to provide simple conversational contact with
FRS-equipped neighbors within your own neighborhood and other neighborhoods. Doing nothing more than sharing information about neighborhood conditions can help people in the overall community recognize the extent of the problem and better appreciate the volume of recovery effort required to bring things back to normal. Breaking that barrier of silence is a first step towards establishing relay capability across the overall community, neighborhood by neighborhood.
When the power goes out, neighbors can talk to neighbors.
LEVEL 2: Aiding Emergency Response:
The second level of service is to establish two-way communications with amateur radio stations via the Athens County Ohio Simplex Network, with relays to the Athens County Ohio
Emergency Operattions Center (EOC), Athens County Red Cross, etc.
LEVEL 3: Remote Family Contact:
The third level of service is to provide messaging service for neighbors to distant relatives utilizing a variety of Amateur Radio high-frequency (HF) technologies,...
with or without internet availability.