You will need to install "Build-a-Pi" by KM4ACK using
Using this link, download the 32 bit:
"Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) with desktop and recommended software".
This Download is a WinRAR ".XZ" compressed archive, which will require 7-Zip, winRAR, WinZip, PeaZip, etc. Once unpacked, you may find it more convenient to install the uncompressed image on your SD card using Etcher Image Flasher.
There are videos included that you will want to view in order help you configure and understand Build-a-Pi. Build-a-Pi has a lot of amateur radio programs that you can install if you want to, but for packet radio these are what I installed:
- ardop
- ardopgui
- Direwolf
- ax25
- FLrig
- Pat
- patmenu
Use this link for a video on how to install LinPac. When you get to the "./configure" command in the video you will need to use the following command:
- Before installing LinPac, issue this command from Raspberry Pi terminal:
" sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev" (without quotes)
Just follow the rest on the video to finish the installation.
↑ Radio Interface
top left corner radio audio in and out and PTT
Top right corner audio in and out to USB sound card
Bottom left PTT circuit
Wiring Schematics
The USB sound card dongle is just a basic dongle I got from Amazon.