We wanted the raw real-time telemetry to be copyable directly off air (see related technical discussion) but also wanted advanced spreadsheet and graphing support via the internet. This project provided a nice opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of APRS-based telemetry.
Data collection and APRS encoding were provided by an Argent Data Systems OpenTracker+ housed inside the repeater rack, connected to a low power HT, which transmitted once per hour. These low power signals were relayed at higher power by the W8UKE-1 APRS digipeater also housed in the same building.
Data were collected from January 8-28, 2008, and documented rack heater adjustments made by the Repeater Trustee as the tests progressed. The telemetry also documented a couple of power outages at the site during strong wind events. The graph below shows an example of the inside versus outside temperature plots generated. Other related links:
73 de Ted W8KVK